Join Us for Our PZI June Intensive—
A Month of Diverse Practice Opportunities
In the June Open Temple

Get the June Temple 1-Month Meditation Pass Here

YOU ARE INVITED to participate in all or part of our June Intensive

A Word from John Tarrant:

Since ancient times people have gathered for summer practice periods and turned toward the deepest matters. Everything we have been burdened by, we can put down. Times have always been uncertain, and koan retreats give us a way to respond creatively and to see the light in all things. This June we enter the world of The Blue Cliff Record, one of the greatest spiritual texts, and the practice period culminates in a sesshin.

Since we’re online, your home will turn into a temple and your work of itself becomes meditation. When you accord with the Tao, everything in your life is on your side. We will have the guidance of Pacific Zen koan masters—old dragons and tigers steeped in the ancient tradition of awakening. There will be interviews with teachers and encouraging group practice.

No previous experience with koans or meditation is needed. Doorways open if you do koan meditation even once. Join us.

—John Tarrant Roshi

What to Expect in June

New to Zen? No experience with koans or meditation necessary!
New to PZI? We offer unique approaches at PZI which may open new doors for you.

WE ARE OFFERING a packed schedule, so that you can participate flexibly to fit your situation.

Here’s what to expect throughout our June Intensive: 

  • A suite of diverse practice opportunities, leaders & teachers
  • Drop-in daily meditation periods
  • Two Saturday meditation intensives
  • Weekly dharma talks by an array of PZI teachers
  • A one-day introductory “open house” retreat with John Tarrant & Friends
  • A multi-day retreat (Summer Sesshin) with John Tarrant & Friends

JOIN US for all or part
of an array of practices in our June Open Temple

Meditate with Us: Get the June Meditation Pass

The June Open Temple Meditation Pass is our all-access pass to online daily meditation sessions June 1-30, plus two Saturday intensives, June 12 & 19. Drop in, or join us every day to deepen your practice with PZI leaders and members. This is great way to get to know PZI, and also to enter the field of koan practice in anticipation of our June Retreat (Summer Sesshin.)

$125 for the pass, FREE when you sign up for the Summer Retreat

Kick Off the Month: Join the 1-Day Dragons Retreat
June 6th

Deepen Your Journey: Register for Summer Sesshin
June 22nd-27th

See you in the June Temple!


Contact: Corey Hitchcock